

Meet Robin Kinney – Advanced Practice Social Worker (APSW) and Therapist

I strive to meet my clients where they are at and involve my clients in every treatment planning decision so that I am supporting my clients in becoming the people they want to be in the world. I genuinely love people and I hope that all of my clients can feel my unconditional positive regard and respect while I’m working with them.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Human trafficking is the exploitation of vulnerable people for their bodies and labor through force, fraud, and coercion. It takes the form of labor trafficking, sex trafficking, online sexual exploitation of children, and forced scamming.

Meet Amberly Stevens, Marriage and Family Therapist In Training

As I work with clients, the undercurrent of everything I do comes back to relationship and connection. I consider each intervention, strategy, protocol and offering of psychoeducation to be an opportunity for me to offer that connection and relationship, which in and of itself can be healing. I consider practicing therapy to be an honor and a gift and I am so grateful and energized every day by the work that I do.

Part Three: Creating HEART Counseling

My heart is full knowing that I have built my dream practice. There are even other like-minded therapists who have joined me! If you are looking for a therapist in the Madison area, or online anywhere in Wisconsin, we hope you will come check us out! We would love to help.

Reach Out Today

Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

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